I was a bit excited when I went to the station that morning. Ma'am Nene told Pat (new intern) and I two days before that we had to join them for a 'stick-on' event at Shell Magallanes. It was a partnership between Shell and Mellow. As soon as I hit the station, I grabbed CDs from the shelf and started typing them one by one.
I also learned that DJ Ingrid wasn't coming and DJ Angel would be in charge of the Afternoon Cruise. But unfortunately, she would do that alone since Pat and I were leaving, and Mr. V would also leave early for his birthday party the next day. It was 2 in the afternoon when we were called by Ma'am Mavic.
We went to the office and we were asked to prepare the IDs. But we had to leave as soon as possible so we had to finish that in the van. And so we took EDSA which was a little traffic then. We arrived at Shell Magallanes early for the event that was supposed to happen by 4 p.m. so we just prepared everything - the table, tarpaulins, stickers, and some chips.

When we started, Ma'am Mavic was the one asking the drivers if we could post Mellow and Shell 'Every Drop Counts' stickers at their rear window of their car. If in case they would be spotted by radio DJs and reporters with that sticker on their car, they'd get P800 on the spot. But Pat, Carlo (one of SOJs), and I had to form a team of our own and did things on ourselves. Some agreed but there were also those who didn't care at all. It was challenging to put stickers on wet windows (because it was raining then) but we still did great. We stopped by 7 p.m. and went to a fast food chain to eat and then went back to the station.

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